Using video diaries in studies concerning scientific literacy
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In this article the possibilities to use video diaries as data collection tool in studies about scientific literacy are discussed. The starting point is a need for students to develop scientific knowledge which they can use as citizens in different situations. I argue that with this definition the students’ scientific literacy (SL) must be investigated outside school in everyday life. It is also argued that studies investigating SL in an out-of-the-school context cannot be performed in the same way as studies in a school context, since situations outside school often are more complex. The use of video diaries is reviewed and then described as a research tool in investigating individuals´ scientific literacy. The methodology of investigating scientific literacy outside school is problematised, for instance which type of data that that can be collected. It is also emphasised that this way of data collecting differs from researcher controlled video filming. The control is in the hands of the video-diary maker, even if the instructions from the researcher affect how the participation from the video diarist will be expressed. This perspective will lead to use of theoretical frameworks that are built on views where the social world is seen as constructed and dependent on context. Discourse psychology analysis (Potter and Wetherell 1987) is presented as a suitable framework. This is in line with Sadler (2009) who emphasizes the importance of that students get the ability to learn science in a community where they can be central participants and express their identities.
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