School-Based Curricular Frameworks: Supporting Local Science Education Reform

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Gary F. Varrella
Jeffery Weld
Robin L. Harris
Sandra K. Enger
Robert E. Yager
Judith Burry-Stock


This study examines the development and progressive enhancement of multi-grade level, integrated curricular frameworks for secondary science programs, with a scope and sequence spanning grades 6 through 10. These frameworks were generated through the National Science Foundation funded Iowa Scope, Sequence, and Coordination Project. Sixteen school districts participated in framework development referenced to the National Science Education Standards (NSES) (National Research Council, 1996) and local district expectations during 1990-1997. The "framework rubric" that developed: a) offered a consistent method to evaluate the quality of the district level frameworks over time, b) served as a reflective tool for participants and project staff, and c) provided formative evaluation of products as teams improved their frameworks in the latter stages of the project. Teacher focus and work-group discussions provided additional anecdotal evidence. Results indicated growth on two fronts: a) there was improvement in the quality of the product and alignment with the NSES among individual frameworks over time, and b) the time to develop a high quality framework was reduced from four years to one or two years. Implications for long-term teacher and curriculum enhancement are considered, based upon program strengths and successes.

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Author Biographies

Gary F. Varrella

Education Consultant Bright Solutions for Education

Jeffery Weld

University of Northern Iowa

Robin L. Harris

Buffalo State College

Sandra K. Enger

University of Alabame at Huntsville

Robert E. Yager

University of Iowa

Judith Burry-Stock

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa