A Flexible K-12 Weather Data Collection and Education Program

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Mark S. Mesarch
S.J. Meyer
D.C. Gosselin


The Nebraska Earth Science Education Network (NESEN) created a program called Students and Teachers Exchanging Data, Information and Ideas (STEDII) for K-12 audiences that emphasizes data collection mixed with weather education. Curriculum with hands-on activities and basic weather instrumentation are provided to the schools, as well as a method for all schools involved to share data using the Internet. From 1996 to 1999 the STEDII program has had 55 schools participate and during the peak participation period 2500 students were involved. Eleven teachers, who actively participate in the program and represent a range of class sizes and age levels, were surveyed on how they implement the program and make it work for their particular school's curriculum. Each school uses different approaches and the program has been modified to allow for the flexibility that is needed. However, the basics of data collection and sharing information have remained the same. The vision for STEDII is compared and contrasted from NESEN's and the teachers' points of view. Basic comparisons are made between STEDII and other educational data collection networks, such as GLOBE and One Sky, Many Voices.

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Author Biographies

Mark S. Mesarch

School of Natural Resources (SNRS) Nebraska Earth Science Education Network (NESEN) Institute of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

S.J. Meyer

School of Natural Resources (SNRS) Nebraska Earth Science Education Network (NESEN) Institute of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

D.C. Gosselin

School of Natural Resources (SNRS) Nebraska Earth Science Education Network (NESEN) Institute of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln