Preparing Teachers for Content-specific Consultations: Perspectives From Four Continents
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This paper describes an international collaboration of teacher educators from four countries that developed a method of preparing preservice mathematics and special education teachers to consult to address the mathematics learning needs of K-12 students with special education needs within inclusive classrooms. Researchers from Germany and the United States present case summaries of findings from implementations in their respective countries, and researchers from Brazil, China, Germany, and the United States add their context-specific analysis of the implementations. The researchers identified ways in which they can provide opportunities for general education and special education preservice teachers to learn to synthesize their knowledge to change classroom instruction to support the learning of students with special education needs. The paper concludes by using a communities of practice lens to discuss implications for preparing preservice teachers for mathematics-specific consultations in multinational contexts.
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© 2023 Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education (EJRSME)