Preservice Science Teachers and Cultural Diversity Awareness

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Melody L Russell
Jared A Russell


Preservice science teachers hold a number of existing beliefs and expectations when teaching in the science classroom. Many teacher education programs provide diversity or multicultural education courses to better prepare preservice teachers for the increasingly diverse classroom. The Cultural Awareness Diversity Inventory (CDAI) was used to examine the preservice science teacher’s cultural awareness and sensitivity based on their course and field experiences. Findings suggest that preservice science teachers did acknowledge the importance of racial and ethnic sensitivity and accommodating diversity in their classroom. However, they are neutral relative to the impact their own lack of cultural knowledge has on science teaching and learning.

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Research / Empirical
Author Biographies

Melody L Russell, Auburn University

Dr. Melody Russell has been at Auburn University since 2002. She received her doctorate from the University of Georgia in 2000. Dr. Russell's research interests include the investigation of strategies that enhance the recruitment and retention of African American students, people of color (from traditionally marginalized and oppressed groups), and women in the non-traditional science pipeline (both on the precollege level and college).
Dr. Russell's teaching interests include preparing preservice teachers to effectively educate students from culturally diverse backgrounds. In addition, to supervising interns in secondary level science education, she currently teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses.

Jared A Russell, Auburn University

Jared Russell, the Auburn University College of Education’s Director of Student Development and an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology.