The Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education <p>The <em>Electronic Journal for Research in <strong>Science &amp; Mathematics Education</strong></em> is a peer reviewed journal sponsored by the International Consortium for Research in Science &amp; Mathematics Education (ICRSME). EJRSME publishes manuscripts relating to issues in science/mathematics education and science/mathematics teacher education from early childhood through the university level including informal science and environmental education. EJRSME reviews original science and mathematics education manuscripts that report meaningful research, present research methodology, develop theory, and explore new perspectives and teaching strategies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US <p>© 2023 Electronic Journal for Research in Science &amp; Mathematics Education (EJRSME)</p> (Mark Bloom and Sarah Quebec Fuentes) (Morgan Jansing) Fri, 28 Jun 2024 16:15:47 -0400 OJS 60 28(1) Cover Matter EJRSME Editorial Board Copyright (c) 2024 The Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Big Ideas of Mathematics <p>Across multiple countries the term “big ideas” of mathematics has become a construct advocated as important for teachers’ mathematical knowledge. Indeed, several policy or position statement documents about math learning in the United States (U.S.) have stated that “big ideas” of math is a crucial construct for teacher knowledge. With this study we sought to determine if there was consistency about this “big idea” construct that teachers of mathematics in the U.S. are advised to know. To this end, we conducted a content analysis of the big ideas in methods textbooks and professional development book series for U.S. teachers of preschool through grade 12. We determined that few resources defined a big idea and those that did lacked agreement with each other. Although most resources delineating big ideas cited Charles (2005) as the basis of their use of the construct, our analysis of the actual big ideas revealed inconsistent implementation of Charles’ criteria. Thus, to move research and practice forward we clarified a definition, five criteria, and constructed a scholar- and teacher-friendly framework to more precisely define and prioritize this abstract construct. The Big Ideas Framework consists of three ordinal levels to distinguish and prioritize their importance based on relative size and power: Mighty Mega Math Ideas, Power Math Ideas, and Strong Math Ideas. Moreover, the big ideas construct has focused on Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT), whereas we urge the field to shift its perspective to value the entire construct or at least the two most powerful levels of the framework as aspects of Common Content Knowledge (CCK). In other words, we urge teachers and mathematics teacher educators to foreground Mighty Mega Math Ideas and Power Math Ideas with students and families to empower those we serve. Furthermore, given the dearth of peer-reviewed research about big ideas, we encourage a new branch of scholarship to analyze the impact of the practical recommendations we offered here.</p> Julie Nurnberger-Haag, Scott A Courtney, Karen B Plaster Copyright (c) 2024 The Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Developing K-12 Teachers’ Actionable Understanding of the Multi-Dimensional Next Generation Science Standards <p>This study explored K-12 teachers’ understandings and implementation of the NGSS during and after participating in a PD program that included the development of science teachers’ conceptual understanding of science. We add to the literature with our focus on a multi-year PD program emphasizing the vertical progression of concept development from kindergarten to 12<sup>th</sup> grade, rich engagement in science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts, deep understanding of NGSS, and collaborative discussion to develop research-based pedagogical strategies to teach the three dimensions. Through an exploratory qualitative approach, we sought to answer the following research question: <em>During a three-year professional development program, how do K-12 teachers develop an actionable understanding of the intertwining three dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards? </em>Participants in all three years of the project participated in school-based focus group interviews to elicit their understanding and implementation of the NGSS, especially regarding the interweaving nature of the three dimensions of the NGSS. Findings suggest that although the standards are complex, being explicit about the three dimensions and intentional about planning for instruction is critical. Furthermore, collaboration in vertical teams and deep reflection on content and pedagogy were essential elements of the professional development program. This study offers insight into the time it may take for individuals to substantially shift their daily teaching practices, underscoring the complexity of&nbsp;the standards and teaching shift we are asking of our teachers.</p> Ingrid S. Carter, Dr., William R. Thornburgh, Dr., Thomas R. Tretter, Dr. Copyright (c) 2024 The Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 What are They Good For? <p style="font-weight: 400;">This study aimed to identify the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) science practices secondary science teachers considered as most important, to determine what type of value teachers ascribed to those practices, and to examine any correlations between teachers’ perceived importance of the practices and their self-reported implementation. An electronic survey was used to collect multiple forms of data from 128 secondary science teachers. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, average ranking scores, and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Qualitative data was analyzed through qualitative content analysis using Wigfield &amp; Eccles’ Expectancy-Value Theory (EVT) as an analytic framework. Our findings indicate that: (1) teachers ranked asking questions as the most important science practice and mathematics and computational thinking as least important; (2) teachers most frequently attached attainment value to the usefulness of the practices; and (3) the correlations between teachers’ rankings of the practices and their self-reported implementation were mixed. The rank-implementation mismatches can be interpreted as an outcome of teachers’ misconceptions about some of the science practices. This study highlights the need for teacher education initiatives that promote teachers’ implementation of and long-term utility value of proficiency with all eight of the science practices.</p> Gary W Wright, Vance Kite, Soonhye Park Copyright (c) 2024 The Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Effects of Informal versus School-Based Field Experience on Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy for Teaching Science <p>Prior to the fall semester of 2017, the elementary preservice teachers who were enrolled in a science methods course engaged in a variety of field experiences across different settings, mostly informal. Beginning in the fall semester of 2017, students enrolled in this science methods course completed their field experience in formalized classroom settings. Most students have been placed at the site of a partnership school, a K-8 building in the local urban school district where an automated greenhouse was built. At the outset, the original study aimed to compare the self-efficacy for science teaching of the elementary education preservice teachers pre- and post-greenhouse implementation. However, the construction of the greenhouse was delayed and thus accidentally created a third cohort of students in addition to pre- and post-greenhouse. This third cohort of students has been placed in a K-8 school setting, but has not had access to the greenhouse. This paper compares the first two cohorts of preservice teachers, those who completed informal field experiences and those who completed school-based field experiences without the utilization of the greenhouse.</p> Nicole Hesson, Olivia Roth Copyright (c) 2024 The Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Preservice Teachers’ Science Process Skills and Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs in an Inquiry-Oriented Laboratory Context <p class="Abstract" style="line-height: normal;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 12.0pt;">This study investigated (i) the effect of inquiry-oriented laboratory activities on preservice primary school teachers’ (PPSTs) achievement in science process skills (SPSs) and science teaching efficacy beliefs and (ii) changes in groups’ reflections of SPSs in the laboratory reports as they engaged in the activities. There were 71 PPSTs enrolled in a science laboratory course. Of 71 PPSTs, 61 who completed Science Process Skills Test and Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale both at the beginning and at the end of the course constituted the sample for the former purpose of the study. On the other hand, 71 PPSTs formed groups to work on the laboratory activities and reports collaboratively, which resulted in a total of 17 groups that involved in the study for the latter purpose. Findings indicated that PPSTs’ achievement in SPSs and reflections of SPSs in the reports improved in the inquiry-oriented laboratory environment. Furthermore, experiencing the intervention contributed to PPSTs’ science teaching efficacy beliefs for instructional strategies, student engagement, and classroom management. Implications for teacher education programs and recommendations for future research were presented. </span></p> Gülsüm Akyol, Yasemin Taş Copyright (c) 2024 The Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400