A brief editorial…and a brief request


Have you been thinking about a certain topic lately? Something been on your mind? Are you looking for a professional audience to bounce various thoughts or ideas off of? Maybe it’s time you consider becoming a guest editorialist for the Electronic Journal of Science Education.


The EJSE has been publishing guest editorials since its first issue published in March 1996. Many notable science educators have taken pen to paper (or in this case, fingers to keyboard) to share their numerous viewpoints and perspectives regarding science education and research.


As of this issue, the EJSE is seeking people from the science education community to submit potential guest editorials. The editorials will not be peer reviewed and will be published upon the review and approval by the editors of EJSE.  Editorials are not bound by length or topic; however, suitability to the mission and focus of the EJSE will be the primary rating factor.


We hope you have a relaxing and restful summer. The effects of summertime, which have been written about here for the past two years, have not influenced the tardiness of this issue as much as our “day job” responsibilities at the University. While relaxing, think about putting your fingers to the keyboard.


Please send your guest editorial submission to John Cannon (jcannon@unr.edu) for consideration.  Thanks to all our readers and authors for your continued support of electronic publishing and the EJSE.





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