On our way to the next millenium
Well, it's that time of year again...the first semester of the new academic year. For some, we are already 7 weeks into the first semester of the 1999-2000 school year.
We at the EJSE were planning to unveil a new format for our journal with this issue and the often asked for and long awaited "search" feature to our past issues. Unfortunately, neither are ready for on-line use.
The September 1999 issue of the EJSE begins our fourth year of serving you. I once saw a documentary on PBS about Hugh Hefner and the Playboy Enterprise. It was reported that the first issue of his magazine was published without a volume or an issue number because Hugh was not very sure if there would be a following issue and support for such a publication.
When we launched the first issue of the EJSE in March of 1996, there was a similar feeling. Should there be a first volume and issue number, not knowing if the science education community would support such an idea? I am very pleased to report, due to the continuing support of our review board and readers, the EJSE is well on its way into the next millenium. We are finding our way into more on-line databases, reference sections of other publications, and spreading the word about our goal of bringing quality information to science educators accessable world-wide at no cost.
By now, it's clear that we do not have a guest editorialist for this issue. In a way, this is both encouraging and saddening. Encouraging in that we have been able to bring our readers thoughts from some of the leading science educators over the past three years, giving our community a common place to voice their heard. Saddening, in that with each published issue, the task of inviting science educators to share their thoughts becomes increasingly difficult. We are committed to working even harder at finding guest editorialists to bring you a wider variety of ideas and thoughts from leaders in science education.
With this issue, we would like to also extend and invitation of becoming a reviewer for EJSE. Issues are published quarterly. All reviews are completed electronically and sent from the editor to the reviewer and back via e-mail.
Basic requirements for reviewers include:
1. Association with the science education communty or hold a faculty position at a
college, university or school system
2. Doctoral graduate student in science education
3. Basic computer skills, e.g., word processing
4. E-mail and Internet access
Please take a moment to check out
our publication guildelines linked here. Use your brower's BACK button to
If you are interested, please drop an e-mail to either John Cannon or David Crowther . We look forward to working with you!
Perhaps, John F. Kennedy said it best on July 13, 1960, at the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles, while accepting the presidential nomination:
"We stand today on the edge of a new frontierthe frontier of the 1960s, a frontier of unknown opportunities and perils, a frontier of unfulfilled hopes and threats The new frontier of which I speak is not a set of promisesit is a set of challenges."
The EJSE plans to meet and exceed those challenges whatever they may be on...our way to the next millenium .
Thank you for reading!