Survey of Physics Instructor Attitudes on  Student Access to Problem  Solutions
Edw. S. Ginsberg
Physics Department
University of Massachusetts
Boston, MA 02125-3393
Regina M. Panasuk
College of Education
University of Massachusetts
Lowell, MA 01854
Simon George
Physics & Astronomy Dept.
California State University
Long Beach, CA 90840
    Problem solving seems to be an omnipresent component of current teaching  and assessment methods for introductory physics. There has been general  agreement that the application of basic concepts, within the context of  solving problems, is an essential part of the learning process, although creating effective problems is challenging.  (Arons, 1990). Every introductory physics text contains numerous problems designed for  classroom discussion, homework, or exams (e.g. Serway, 1998; Tipler, 1991; Wall & Wall, 1997, the latter emphasizing problem solving in its title). The newer interactive pedagogies also retain the importance of  problem solving, through homework assignments, discussion sections, and  examinations (Mazur, 1997). A major fraction of the time expended by  instructors during discussion sections, or with students during office  hours and tutorials, is devoted to revealing and explaining the  solutions to these problems. Students need to see the correct answers  and to study the logical steps for obtaining them. An experienced editor for a major textbook publisher admits that most instructors,  before adopting a particular textbook, desire for themselves a copy of a  complete solution manual to the end of chapter problems (D. Humphrey,  personal communication, 5 May 1995). However, allowing students to have  access to such a manual is a controversial issue.

  One of the authors has made a complete solution manual available to  students in several recent classes, and found some interesting positive  results. Students were less frustrated and intimidated by problems. They  found it easier to get help doing a problem, anywhere, anytime, without  having to ask for it. They worked on more problems, even many that were  not assigned. For most students, the negative consequences some  colleagues predicted would happen (less learning, copying without first trying, etc.) either didn't occur, or were insignificant or outweighed by positive consequences.

  A review of the educational research literature found nothing on the specific subject of allowing students free access to solutions to the problems in their text, although there is much on the general subject of immediate feedback (e.g. Slavin, 1994; Sisco & Hiemstra, 1991). In order to better identify the specific pedagogical  questions related to this topic, the attitudes of physics instructors  and students ought to be surveyed and examined. What are their beliefs,  are these beliefs reconcilable, and can they be tested against actual  data from classroom studies? To begin with, an opinion survey of  introductory physics instructors was conducted, as described in this  paper. The gathering of this information is important because the  assumptions instructors make, both explicitly and implicitly, about the  control of access to the knowledge problem solutions represent, should  be subject to reflection, since they have implications for classroom  dynamics, educational goals, and student outcomes. A parallel opinion  survey of introductory physics students was subsequently conducted, and  will be the subject of further research. Survey Instrument   Since no effort was made to select potentially cooperative respondents,  and no inducement was offered for their participation, the survey  instrument was kept intentionally brief. It was designed to be completed  in under 15 min. Four questions utilized a combination of Likert-scale  and open-ended formats, so that the respondent's answers could be  readily summarized statistically, yet not be unduly constrained. The  open-ended question, about the consequences of completely free student  access to all problem solutions, was impartially phrased, and allowed  for a maximum diversity of answers in the respondents' own words. The  fill-in question required just a single numerical answer. Also queried  were three bits of demographic information about the respondents, their  highest academic degree, the length of their teaching experience at the  introductory level, and the type of undergraduate program, two or four year, at their institution. Space was included for name and address, at  the respondent's option, and for further comments. The full text of the  questionnaire is reproduced in Appendix A.

Sample Selection and Demographics

  Questionnaires were mailed to physics departments at 475 arbitrarily  selected US and Canadian colleges and universities. Institutions were  chosen, by one of the authors, from the AIP Directory of Physics and  Astronomy Staff (1993). Although the list contained the addresses of  more institutions from areas with numerous colleges and universities, an  effort was made to include some from every state and province, as well  as a mix of two and four year colleges and universities. Physics,  physics and astronomy, or physical science departments with fewer than  five members were not considered. This was the same procedure as  followed in previous surveys of teaching faculty in introductory physics courses (George, 1994).

  Responses from a total of 249 individuals, including 233 at 104  identifiable institutions, were eventually returned. (Actually, optional  names and addresses were supplied by only 135 respondents, but by  checking postmarks and grouping questionnaires returned in the same  envelope, additional institutions were identified.) The geographical distribution of responses, from 22% of the institutions selected, showed no discernible bias, & the absolute number of individual responses, equal to 52% of the number of mailed requests, was comparable to previous surveys (George, 1994).

  The majority of individuals responding to the survey were Ph.D's working  at four year institutions, with ten or more years teaching experience  at the introductory level. In brief, 79% had doctoral, 12% had master's,  and 4% had bachelor's highest degrees; 88% worked at four year and 7% at  two year institutions; 71% had 10 or more, 15% had 4 to 9, and 9% had 1  to 3 years introductory-level teaching experience; 5% reported no  information; 56% belonged to all three majority sub-categories. A  summary of the number of responses in all categories, and possible  combinations of sub-categories, is given in Table 1. Since few of the  sub-categories contain more than 25 responses, or about 10% of the  respondent sample, it was decided to analyze all the responses as a  whole, and forego an analysis of variance in this study.

Table 1

Number of Responses for Demographic Categories.
Years of Experience Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Doctoral Degree No information
1-3 years:
2 yrs. of college
4 years of college 
4-9 years:
2 yrs. of college
4 years of college 
No information
10 years or more:
2 yrs. of college
4 years of college 
No information
No information:  
2 yrs. of college
4 years of college
No information
2 yrs. of college
4 years of college
No information

Numerical Results   A statistical summary for Questions #1 to #4 is given in Table 2 and in  Figure 1. The numerical response on the Likert-scale of 1 to 5 was used  as the variable.

Table 2. Averages and Correlations for Questions #1 to #4.
Question No. of Answers Average & Standard Deviation Correlations of Questions 1-4
3.52 +/- 1.48 
342 +/- 1.49 
2.77 +/- 1.20 
3.14 +/- 1.24 

Figure 1. Percent response distributions for Likert-scale Questions #1  to #4.

    The averages of this variable indicate general  agreement with the statements in Questions #1, #2, and #4, and  disagreement in Question #3. The distributions shown in Figure 1 qualify  the description based on average alone, and further differentiate the  type of beliefs held by instructors, particularly as revealed in the  responses to the first pair of questions compared to the second pair.  The response to Question #3 might more accurately be described as  negative neutrality. Questions #1 and#2 show bi-modal distributions,  with local maxima at the extremes of the Likert scale, whereas those for  Questions #3 and #4 are slightly asymmetric, uni-modal distributions,  with one nearly central maximum. In other words, more instructors  believe that student access to solutions to assigned problems should be  restricted (agree with #1); that access to unassigned problems should not (agree with #2); that free access might not encourage students to do more problems (disagree with #3), but that no access does cause students to  give up sooner (agree with #4). Opinion is somewhat unevenly divided  between those who favor restricting student access to problem solutions,  and those who do not, with relatively few undecided (#1 & 2). When it  comes to beliefs about the effects such restrictions have on students,  there is a centrist view, with tapering degrees of opinion on either side  (#3 & 4). The central opinion is in agreement with the statement that no  access to solutions causes students to give up sooner on problems (#4),  but is near neutrality on whether free access encourages students to do  more problems (#3).

  The correlations for responses to Questions #2, #3, and #4 are positive  among themselves, but are negative when taken with responses to Question  #1 (see Table 2). In other words, instructors who believed most in  restricting access to solutions to assigned problems, tended to feel the  same way about unassigned problems, and that free access would not  encourage students to do more problems, but would cause them to work less  hard on the ones they did (agree with #1, disagree with #2, 3, & 4).  Instructors favoring unrestricted access to solutions to unassigned  problems, tended to feel that free access would encourage students to do  more problems and cause them to give up less quickly (agree with #2, 3,  & 4). Some of the reasons given by respondents for such correlations are  discussed below.

  The single numerical response requested in Question #6 was the  respondent's estimation of the ideal percentage of end-of-chapter  problems that ought to be included in a student solution manual  available for purchase along with the text. Responses varied on a  continuum scale from 0% to 100%. Some interpretive judgment was  necessary in tabulating them, since not all respondents answered with a  single number; sometimes a range was specified, for example, "_< 20%",  "20 &plusmn; 15%", or "50 - 100%". The average of the 232 responses, probably  of interest to college textbook publishers, was 41%. Most respondents  specified one of three percentages, namely 50%, 0%, or 100%, with most  of the rest choosing one of four others between 20% and 40%, as shown in  Figure 2.

Figure 2. Percent response distribution for Question #6.

Narrative Results   Non-numerical data included 244 responses (or 98% of the total) recorded  to Question #5, the only totally open-ended one. Some type of written  comment was supplied along with the numerical answers for most of the  combination Likert-scale/open-ended questions (76% for Question #1, 71%  for Question #2, 72% for Question #3, and 74% for Question #4).  Additional comments, on the reverse side of the question page, were  voluntarily supplied by 54 respondents (or 22%), and 135 (or 54%) opted  to write in their name and address. Only two questionnaires were  returned with no written comments whatsoever. This indicates a reasonable degree of involvement for those who completed the survey instrument.

  Remarks written by respondents, in description or explanation of an  answer to a particular question, frequently applied to other questions  as well. For this reason, a systematic attempt to categorize comments  question by question was deemed repetitive. The most inclusive question  was #5, the only totally open-ended one, and the one with the greatest  number of written comments. Therefore, this question was selected as the  focus of efforts towards a systematic characterization of instructors  opinions about the subject of the survey in general. Frequently cited  opinions not within the range of responses to Question #5, and samples  of comments or excerpted remarks, are noted afterwards.

  The 244 responses to Question #5 varied considerably in focus,  specificity, and length, so that objective, logically consistent, and  mutually exclusive categories could not be readily formulated. The  question asked generally about the "result" of unrestricted access. Some  responses focused on the consequences for teaching methods or the  instructor's responsibilities, while others focused on learning outcomes  or the student's behavior. Another group of responses mainly  characterized the overall effect, in varying degrees of detail, as  pedagogically good or bad. Finally, many responses were partially of one  type and partially of another (these were sometimes double counted),  while others were of neither type. The percentage of the total number of  responses to Question #5 in each of the subjective categories used for  tabulation is summarized in Table 3.


Table 3. Percentage of Comments to Question #5 of Various Types.
Type of comment
Instructor-Focused: Impact grading and/or source of homework problems
Student Focused: 
Stimluate copying and memorization vs. independent thinking 
Irrestistible tempatation not to struggle with problem 
Foster illusion of knowledge
Over-all effect on learning: 
Non-specific/negative (i.e. detrimental) 
positive (i.e. beneficial)
neutral (i.e. irrelevant) 
Specific to caliber of the student 
Raise homework grades, reduce exam scores
Not categorized

  The instructor-focused category included about 22% of the total  responses to Question #5. These mentioned one or both of the following  likely "results". First, unrestricted student access to problem  solutions would impact the standard practice of assigning homework for  credit. (The standard practice is to collect and grade student's written  answers to assigned problems from the text, for inclusion in determining  the course grade.) Responses suggested that this practice would have to  be modified or abandoned. Second, alternative sources of problems would  have to be found, presumably with solutions unavailable to students, if,  as assumed in most of these responses, the standard practice of  assigning homework for credit were to be maintained. Responses suggested  that instructors would be forced to devise original problems or switch  to another text.

    Examples of responses in this category are:

"If they [i.e. solutions] are not restricted, the use of homework  [i.e. graded problems] would have to be rethought. However, I'm not  certain that the current system is best for student learning, so  rethinking may not be bad.",

" would be the end of giving students credit for homework.",  "Using them for grades would be meaningless [however] students need the  motivation of grades to study effectively.", "It will force the  professors to come up with their own problems. Otherwise, homework as a  useful exercise (which in general it is) will be a thing of the past.",

"I would have to make up other problems to assign for homework, or  simply switch to another text.", "It would require ... professors to use  some imagination in creating their own problems for graded homework...".

  In the student-focused category of responses to Question #5, behavior of  the following types was predicted to be the "result" of unrestricted  access. First, more copying or memorizing of the available solutions,  and less independent thinking, by students, was mentioned in about 21%  of the total responses. Second, roughly 11% of responses suggested that  students would be tempted to not exert their maximum effort struggling  with, or working independently on, the problems. Third, slightly over 4%  of responses warned that students might obtain a false sense of security  from freely available solutions, acquiring only the illusion of  knowledge.

    Examples from this category of responses are:

"There would be no point in assigning problems to be handed in,  since students would simply copy the solutions. Students would  memorize the solutions, expecting to see the same problems on exams." "Many, if not most, of the students would copy the solutions without  thinking about the problems."

"Blatant copying.",

"... most would submit to the temptation to rely heavily on the  answers, rather than [on] their own initiative.",  "I think students must struggle a little with the [homework] and that  they shouldn't have their own copy of all [the] solutions. If they did,  this struggle wouldn't occur."

"Few ... students would exert the effort to do the problems and  thus learn the material," "[Free access] Would encourage a false understanding ... based on  an attitude of 'I followed how it was done in the solution manual,  therefore I understand it and can do it on a test."

  In the overall-effect category for Question #5, the non-specific  responses characterized unrestricted access as generally detrimental,  beneficial, or irrelevant to student learning. Approximately 14% of the  total responses foresaw a negative effect, 11% a positive effect, and 4%  no appreciable effect. About 9% of the total responses suggested results  which differentiated between good students, who would be helped, poor  students, who would be hurt, and indifferent students, who would be  unaffected by free access to solutions. Roughly 5% predicted  specifically (and perhaps sarcastically) that homework grades would  improve, although a majority of these coupled this rise with a fall in  exam scores or the level of conceptual understanding.

    A few examples from this category of responses are:

"Lower test scores, lower achievement, lower levels of understanding,  much reduced critical thinking/problem solving skills."

"Less frustration and a more positive attitude of students towards  goals of instruction, maybe a more responsible behavior in regard  to their own learning." "No effect.",  "Some will simply copy; some will use the solutions properly, after  trying the problem. In seeing many problems (more than can be presented  in class), the students must, on the whole, learn more." "Homework scores would go up, but test scores would go down."

  Many written responses to Question #1 alluded to the standard practice  of assigning, collecting, and grading homework problems, mentioned  above, as a rationale for restricting student access to solutions.  Typically, such restrictions involved posting the solutions to assigned  problems on a bulletin board (actual, or an archival or electronic  equivalent), at appropriate times (after homework was collected or  returned), in a manner which discouraged the circulation of hard-copies  among students. Because the selection of assigned problems varies from  year to year, and from instructor to instructor, this implied, for many  respondents, that access to the solutions to unassigned problems must  also be restricted, thus contributing to the negative correlation  between the Likert-scale variables in Questions # 1 and #2. However,  recognizing the positive contribution readily available solutions can  have for student learning outcomes, some respondents favored restricting  access to only assigned problems, so the correlation is weak.

    Examples of comments on either side of this correlation are:

"Students will accumulate files of problem solutions. This restricts  which problems I can assign next semester."

"Any  extra work the students want to do, even if it's just examining  other solutions, is good!".

  Respondents who favored making the solutions to unassigned problems  available to students, in answer to Question #2, tended to comment  affirmatively in answer to Questions #3 and #4, for example:

"...Making solutions freely available encourages students to try more problems and to discuss solutions with their instructor."

"Even if they work backward, they've learned something."

"Lack of validation frequently turns them back and causes them to  give up.".

Conversely, respondents who disagreed with allowing access to  unassigned problem solutions, in Question #2, tended to disagree  with the statements in Questions #3 and #4, for example:

" Students will usually do the minimum possible...", "The more materials they have access to, the less they use."

"Having solutions causes them to seek help before they have fully  thought through a problem.".

 Both these types of responses contributed to positive  correlations among the Likert-scale responses to Questions #2, #3, and  #4. There were many neutral answers to Question #3, expressed in  comments like "In theory [perhaps] - but they [i.e. students] are busy  enough to make it a non-issue.", and many responses of neither type, so  these correlations among Questions #2, #3, & #4 were also weak.

  There were a number of comments to Question #6, regarding the ideal  percentage of end of chapter problems suitable for inclusion in a  salable student solution manual. Many were written by the plurality who  chose 50% in Figure 2.

  These comments recognized the diversity of opinion on all of the  issues raised by the questionnaire, and suggested  50-50 as a workable compromise, acceptable to everyone.

For example:  "...the solution is obvious - each textbook should have twice the  [usual] number of problems ... and then print solutions to 50% [for  students]. That way, the instructor can take his or her pick! There are  good pedagogical reasons for each choice - the right mix depends on the  instructor's teaching style, [the] ability of the students, [and the]  character of the course. Since publishers don't pay much for worked  problem solutions, it won't add much to the cost of the book."

There were also comments that represented the extreme 0% and 100%  choices in Figure 2, such as: "Students do not learn physics by seeing  how someone else solves a problem. Solutions should not be commercially published ... Students should not have access to any  end-of-chapter  problems. They should ... consult with TA's and other instructors to  get their solutions checked.", and  "I think it important to convince students that  they get the most out of working a problem if they resist peeking at the  answer until they've exhausted completely their ideas. But, at that  point, getting to see the light, especially at 2 AM, should relieve  frustration and give them an incentive to test themselves against the  next challenge."         A more general impression of respondent attitudes might better be  conveyed by simply listing or excerpting written comments, without their  specific association with particular items on the questionnaire. Often,  comments were perceptive, provocative, or witty, in spite of an apparent  preponderance of expressions of low expectation for student behavior and  learning outcomes, and an occasional moralization. A subjective  sampling, including some gems, is given in Appendix B. Conclusion   The attitudes of this survey's sample of 249 physics instructors,  concerning student access to solutions to end of chapter problems in a  required textbook, can be summarized as follows:       * Opinion is polarized on the questions of restricting student access to solutions for assigned problems, and not restricting those for  unassigned problems. Majorities of instructors agree with both of  these practices, but sizable minorities disagree with one. Common  rationales given for restricting access are that problems are assigned  for credit, and that students must be forced to think on their own.  Contrary beliefs supporting free access are that students learn from  correct examples, and that they need every available help.       * Opinion is more evenly divided on the questions of whether free  access to solutions encourages students to do more problems, and to give  up less quickly. More instructors disagree with the former of these  statements, and agree with the latter. A typical belief is that students  lack the time or motivation for working on problems, regardless of their  access to solutions, but that their work is less frustrating when access  is available.       * Opinion concerning the result of unrestricted student access to  problem solutions is wide ranging. Many instructor focused responses  mentioned adverse effects on the source and grading of homework  problems. Many student focused responses predicted increased copying and  memorization, but decreased learning and understanding. Attitudes on the  over-all effect on student learning ranged from detrimental, to  beneficial, to irrelevant.       * Opinion about the ideal percentage of problem solutions, suitable  for inclusion in a salable student solution manual, is indicated by the  41% average response, but a complex distribution was displayed. The most  popular fraction, favored by 31% of the respondents, was one half (or  50%), but 27% of the respondents split, three to four, between all or  none (i.e. 100% or 0%). Discussion   Preliminary indications suggest that some of the following issues may  tentatively be of interest for further study and examination:

      * For most instructors of introductory physics, problem solving  serves a dual purpose of enhancement and assessment of learning.  Students are believed to grasp the full meaning and usefulness of  physical concepts only by being able to apply them in solving contrived  problems. Access to correct solutions to problems, illustrating physical  reasoning from perhaps several viewpoints, is a part of the learning  process which cannot be omitted. However, when the same problems are  simultaneously used to evaluate and grade students, this access to  solutions is restricted. It may be that a careful distinction should be  made between these aspects of problem solving so as to avoid sending  mixed messages to students.

      * Problem solving is viewed as providing general educational or  character-building benefits, besides just helping students to understand  the concepts of physics. How to analyze a complex situation, how to  apply effective methods of quantitative reasoning, perhaps how to  struggle to overcome an intellectual challenge, and the value of hard  work, are all worth learning. Such goals might have contributed to the  moralistic flavor of some respondents' comments on the survey  instrument, and their attitude towards student access to problem  solutions. To what extent these objectives should be included and  acknowledged in an introductory physics course is probably worthy of  some attention.

      * Many instructors believe that the control of knowledge represented  by problem solutions, and the responsibility for dispensing it, is  primarily their prerogative. Predictably, many students may believe  differently, and resent this. Perhaps allowing students to exercise more  responsibility for knowledge, and their own way of learning it, warrants  further consideration.

      * Many comments written by instructors expressed rather low  expectations for student behavior regarding the utilization of problem  solutions. Such negative attitudes may be communicated to students,  unintentionally or not, and become a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Rethinking how to project more positive attitudes to students may  improve their learning outcomes, as well as their general reaction to  physics. Acknowledgment   The authors gratefully acknowledge grants, for printing and  mailing expenses, from Harper Collins College Publishers and the College  of Arts and Sciences at U Mass - Boston. We also individually thank the  249 physics instructors who contributed their time and opinions  participating in our survey.


    1993-1994 Directory of Physics and Astronomy Staff (1993).Woodbury, NY: American Institute of Physics.
    Arons, Arnold B. (1990). A Guide to Introductory Physics Teaching. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

    George, Simon (1994). Update on the Status of the One-Year, Non-Calculus Physics Course. The Physics Teacher, 32, 344-346.

    Mazur, Eric (1997), Peer Instruction: A User's anual. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

    Serway, Raymond A. (1998). Principles of Physics, 2nd edition. Philadelphia: Saunders College Publishing.

    Sisco, Burton & Hiemstra, Roger (1991). Individualizing the Teaching & Learning Process. In Michael W. Galbraith, editor,
Facilitating Adult Learning. Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing Co.

    Slavin, Robert E. (1994). Educational Psychology, 4th edition. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

    Tipler, Paul A. (1991). Physics for Scientists & Engineers, 3rd edition. New York: Worth Publishers.

    Wall, J. D. & Wall, E. (1997). Introductory Physics: A Problem Solving Approach. San Francisco: Analog Press.

Appendix A. Survey Instrument

INSTRUCTIONS (PLEASE READ). The following statements and questions refer 
to the teaching of a one-year introductory physics course, using the 
end-of-chapter problems in a required textbook. Indicate your answers by 
circling the appropriate number on the scale from 1 to 5 (1 = strongly 
disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree,  5 = strongly agree), 
and by writing comments in your own words.
1. Student access to the solutions to the assigned problems        1 2 3 4 5
should be restricted. Please explain if, how, and why they 
should be restricted.

2. Student access to the solutions to unassigned problems          1 2 3 4 5
should not be restricted. Please explain.

3. Free access to solutions encourages students to do more         1 2 3 4 5
problems, even in addition to those assigned. Please comment 
on your answer.

4. Having no access to solutions causes students to give           1 2 3 4 5
up sooner, rather than work harder, in solving problems. 
Please comment.

5. What do you think would be the result of allowing students to have 
free access to the solutions to all of the end-of-chapter problems in a 
required text?

6. Currently, textbook publishers sell Student Solution Manuals 
containing 20% to 50% of the problems. What do you think is the ideal 
percentage? (Use a scale from 0% to 100%.)______

(This survey is CONFIDENTIAL, in that no information will be presented 
in such a way that could permit the identification of any individual 

Years of experience teaching at the college introductory level.

  1 to 3 years____   4 to 9 years____   10 or more years____   none____

Is yours a two-year or four-year institution?

        2-year____              4-year____

What is your highest academic degree?

Bachelors___    Masters____             Doctorate____

Name and address (OPTIONAL)     _______________________________________

Further comments:

                                        Edw. S. Ginsberg
                                        U. Mass. Boston / Physics Dept.
                                        100 Morrissey Blvd.
                                        Boston, MA  02125-3393

Appendix B. Selected Respondent Comments and Excerpted Remarks

* "Today's students seem to give up a little too easily. Sooner or 
later, they have to learn to deal with a challenge..."
* "Students should be encouraged not to view solutions until after they 
have made a reasonable attempt. Counsel [them] on use, but leave [them] 
free access."
* "Given an answer, many students will go to great lengths to obtain 
that answer, in any manner possible. The approach seems to become 'How 
do I get this answer?', rather than 'How do I solve this problem?'."
* "... Nothing worthwhile comes easily. I don't know why there are 
student solution manuals available, other than because publishers make 
more money and physics teachers are ... too lazy to grade student 
homework themselves."
* "...I deplore  the trend toward publishing even partial solution 
manuals for students. The point of physics problems is to challenge 
student understanding and to build the student's confidence... Textbooks 
contain plenty of worked-out examples ..., maybe too many. Students ... 
want instant gratification, quick answers, and absolutely no risk. 
Thinking is a risky operation; the answer doesn't always come right 
* "What's to explain? [It is] ... a wonderful aid for learning when 
students study by doing unassigned problems. ... We grade on the layout 
and presentation of problem solutions ... How well they communicate how 
they solved the problem is given more emphasis than having the correct 
answer. ... The emphasis in my course is shifting to lab work, and just 
solving lots of problems is not as important to me as it used to be."
* "... I want students to struggle with [obtaining the] answer, realize 
they have  a problem, and then see the answer when they come to class. 
* "Human nature will always defeat good intentions!"
* "Students must be supplied with acceptable models of how to solve 
problems. They cannot develop these strategies on their own ...[but] 
learn ... by modeling 'expert' methods."
* "... Success is only meaningful if failure is a possibility."
* "Students must repeatedly hit their heads against difficult problems. 
After trying, they should then be shown. The art of teaching is to 
determine the perfect period for the iterative process."
* "... when problem solutions are available, students will lean on them 
instead of figuring things out - there will be less learning. There are 
no 'solution sets' for real  problems. Students need to learn how to 
work through hard stuff."
* "My guess is that it doesn't matter. Good students will still work 
hard and do well, and poor students will continue to scrape by, no 
matter what is done."
* "Students never do more problems."
* "Having solution manuals for sale is a publisher's money making 
scheme, regardless of ... [its] effect on learning."
* "... Easily available solutions short-circuits the thinking process. 
* "Students need challenge, but they also need access to full solutions. 
Getting stuck for two hours is not efficient or conducive of learning."
* "... Who needs someone to solve problems for which the answer is 
already known?"
* "We don't even give our graduate teaching assistants access to 
solution manuals. It breeds very, very bad habits that have to be broken 
if students are to succeed in a career."
* "We had a problem this year, in that the bookstore ordered some of 
these solution manuals and marked them as 'recommended', even though no 
faculty member had requested them. We didn't find out about it until the 
students started complaining ... [when the supply] had run out. Then we 
had to deal with the fact that only ... [some] of the students had 
access to them. In the future, I will give preference in textbook 
selection to ones that don't have a Student Solution Manual."
* "Solutions available - students memorize solutions and techniques of 
solutions, ... Solutions not available - student[s] unable to do 
problem, mental block."
* "The lazy, undisciplined, immature students should be protected from 
* "A further erosion of the needed work ethic."
* "... [it is a] naïve assumption that students at the intro. level 
really want to learn. It is true that some do, but regrettably, they are 
few. ... I have concerns over free access to solutions. This does not 
mean that I want textbook publishers to abandon solution manuals 
(especially for instructors) ..."
* "I also rather disapprove of sending teaching faculty manuals of 
solutions to go with a textbook. If the instructor needs one, there is 
something seriously wrong!"
* "We currently do this [i.e. provide free access to all solutions] at 
... [a large southern university]. It seems to work out well. ... If no 
access ... [is provided] you must have an excellent free tutoring 
service in place."
* "I do not like the current practice of giving students solutions to 
end-of-chapter problems. It is too difficult to assign homework that 
way. You are grading on how well they copy, not ... [on whether] they 
understand the material. Also, I don't have time to make up my own 
supplementary problems without answers ..."
* "Free access allows students to read , not do , problems, giving a 
false sense of understanding. No access causes students to interact  
with other students or faculty in pursuit of a correct answer."
* "We do this [i.e. provide free access to all solutions] in our first 
year course. Students use the these solutions to guide their problem 
* "The free market system will make solutions available, if students 
want them. If an instructor wants to restrict access, he/she should 
simply write new problems. ... [As a result of free access] students 
would pester the instructor less. On homework assignments, students 
would fudge their answers in order to make it appear (to [the] grader) 
that they did it right."
* "...I Xerox, therefore I know..."
* "... I am a strong believer in giving the students the answers, but 
not the entire solution. If solutions are given, there is too great an 
incentive to look when encountering the slightest difficulty."

About the authors...

Edward S. Ginsberg
Associate Professor of Physics
Office Address:  Dept. of Physics, U. Mass. Boston, 100 Morrissey Blvd,  Boston, MA 02125-3393
Tel. 617-287-6059,  FAX 617-287-6053
Degrees & Institutions:  AB, ScB, Brown University; MS, PhD, Stanford University.

Regina M. Panassuk
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Science Education
Office Address:  College of Education - West Campus, U. Mass. Lowell, 1 University  Ave., Lowell, MA 01854
Degrees & Institutions:  BS (electrical engineering), St. Petersburg Institute of Electrical  Engineering; MS (mathematics), St. Petersburg Pedagogical
University; PhD (mathematics education), St. Petersburg University.

Simon George
Professor of Physics
Office Address:  Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Calif. State Univ., 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90840
Degrees & Institutions:  BS, University of . Travancore; MS, University of. Saugar; PhD, University of British Columbia.

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